Welcome to New York


I wanted to do my post card with a sort of photo of me doing the work! When I was an orientation leader (the summer version of my internship) we sent postcards to every student after every session and it had a  group photo of every orientation leader. Two years later, when I was an RA one of the other RAs on my staff had said that I was her orientation leader. After winter break, she brought the post card that I wrote her to show me and it was so sweet. I love those little sort of funny connections or things that appear several years down the road. 
I think that one way that I would encourage other students/leaders/ towards fostering an environment that helps first year students from marginalized backgrounds adjust to college is to be as visible as possible! Both physically and online through social media, creating videos to help students navigate things such as Blackboard and other confusing technological methods of communication (like registering for classes!). I think that having these videos and other means of communication that isn't face to face would be incredible for somewhere such as UMASS Amherst, which is double the size of UVM. That way, as many students as possible would be able to get information that they need to help succeed in college.  

Word art version of my post


  1. I love the way you designed your postcard, Erin! Do you see yourself wanting to work at a large public university like UMass Amherst?

    1. absolutely not Umass Amherst because I don't want to be in MA but I am interested in a large scale university. I'm getting experience with larger things this semester by planning 2 of the identity center end of the year banquets!


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